Thursday, August 29, 2024



Ciao, gentle readers..

I have finished my newest Stitch book,


and placed her in my

Art Books gallerie

There are so many things about hand stitching
that I love..

the meditative process..
 frees my stubborn mind from the wayward thinking of the
correct way things must be...

and it allows me to see more clearly...

It is another way of drawing..
stitches cast a line as a pencil or charcoal marks..

and the movement pulls the viewer into a tactile sense of being..
who can resist a touch?

the practice of slow stitching envelopes me a sense of
peaceful calm the overflows onto every other piece of work..

that I do...

I hope you feel that way too...

when you view the photos..

a mindfulness and light appreciation

to all of life...
