Monday, October 14, 2024

Sorry! Sold!!

Ciao dear ones!

My tiny butterfly book sold yesterday..
which is lovely..

since it is close to the holiday season
I will be making more things that could be given for gifts..

Sorry!! Sold!!

But I have two more tiny books

the Cabinet Card book, below..

and my tiny bird book..

I am in the process of making a couple of other tiny books

and hoping to have another one finished soon

a goddess book..

if you are interested in 

looking at all the pages

and checking out these two 


just go to my

Art Books gallerie..

and thanks for 

stopping by!!


Friday, October 11, 2024

What's on my Desk?

dear ones..

I am working in the studio each day..
on a variety of projects.. 

I have several pieces 

in process..

on my new series

The Garden Remembers the Gardener

I have two pieces that are finished

but 5-6 pieces that I am still working on..

I just need to get our of the way and let them decide how
they want to be finished..

it's just a matter of letting go.. just like the leaves..

and below...

is a new tiny book of goddesses that I am working on..

I think it will be a charming tiny book..
built in an antique needle book..

The Series is scheduled for a November 1 
debut here and on Social Media..

the work is on boards and Khadi paper..

I started a small painting but I am not pleased and I think I will

gesso over the work..

it's basically my life philosophy

"Gesso over what doesn't work"!

well, dear ones.. 
may we all let go of things we can't control
and let them go,
as leaves upon the ground...


Friday, October 4, 2024

Colorado Hillside..

Sorry! Sold! Colorado Hayfield

Well I had two paintings to share with you

gentle readers..

but I sold the one above 


this one is available now..

Hillside Flowers 11 x 13

and it is in the

it is acrylic on cradled 1/2 " board

I took several photos of fields on the way into


and fell in love with the hayfields and the contrast that they created...

thanks so much for your

continued and 

constant support..

it means so much to 




Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tiny Song Sparrow Book


I think of all the birds..

I love the tiny sparrow best..

maybe its their diminutive size,

but they just delight me...

of course there are other birds in the book as well...

we had so many to choose from

to grace the cover.. 

but the tiny bird won the cover..

If you are interested 

go to my 

Art Books gallerie

I am finishing a couple of paintings..

so you will see them 



Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tiny Books

Well gentle readers..

The holidays are fast approaching and I have been making

Tiny books 

for personal purchase..

and gift giving

I just finished my Tiny Butterfly book

and it is listed in my 


so take a peek if you are interested..

I am also working on my new
mixed media collection

The Garden Remembers the Gardener

and some landscapes from photos I took this year

near Steamboat 

Thanks so much for you kind support!


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tiny Cabinet Book

Ciao dear hearts..
how about a completely different 

Tiny book?

I will make another one.. we are close to the holidays 
and so I think I need to make a few 


so I used the Cabinet cards..

as the front and back cover..

and the book is stitched..

Tea dyed and there are mixed media

 bits scattered through out

If you want to see the other pages..

go to my


Ciao, Ciao!!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Tiny Flower Book

Sorry!! Sold!!

Ciao gente readers

I have started making some tiny books again..

I have 4 more in the works..

but this one is finished

It is a tiny flower book.. 3 x 3

all the pages are tea dyed..

some of the pages have tiny mixed media illustrations..

If you are interested in seeing more pages in this tiny thing..

go to 
