Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Little Grunge Book


Ciao my gentle readers..

it's been sunny but windy and sooo dry..

we had a small fire just south of us yesterday.

but the threat is ever present..

So I have been in the studio painting and when the painting is not coming together..
I stitch and do mixed media..
I love the layers and textures of 
my little book..

the book has been speaking to me of course and it seems to recall

that which we have had..
the places we have been...

and places we may go

right now, I have two paintings and two books in the 

progress state..

but it is gardening time and that takes time in the morning 

we have so much that needs to be cut back for the new growth..

I will have some photos of my spring flowers soon..

sending you all my best...


Friday, March 14, 2025

Slow Stitched Book


Well dear ones.

so far this book has no name..

even though I have been stitching quietly..

it just hasn't come to me yet...

The pages are papers and I have written and ripped back bits.. used paint and black ink..

I also tea dyed the fabric cover and the lace tie..

and stitched the signatures and the cover edges of the book

It's been very peaceful working on this one with no agenda at all

I have no plan in mind and I am simply letting it go where it will..

and that is how I spend my days..

releasing and letting go..

but holding the intention that 

all is well.

I will let you know what

 "the book with no name"

will be called as soon as it whispers it to me.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Sorry! Sold!!


Ciao dear ones!!

my tiny Cabinet Card book

sold yesterday...

and I feel so very grateful

whenever I sell a piece of work...

But I have a few more favorite 
fabric art books available 

The Song Sparrow 



two of my favorites...

and to view those

books and pages

head over to

Art Books

and as always..

Thank you so very much!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Finished!! Milagro Book

my Milagro book is finished..

dear readers..

She is a mixed media artt book

she is filled with fabric and paper pieces
transfers and slow stitching..

her vibe is a focus on seeing clearly..
and the miracle of sight..

But that is just my take on her.. yours is the important 
view point..

if you are interested in seeing her pages..
pop over

and thanks for reading and taking a peek!!

Ciao! Ciao!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


My sweet Milagro book

is still a work in progress 

gentle readers..

But I expect it to be finished shortly...

I love the little hidden covers..

like the cloth cover below..


and this tiny flap in the photos below..

now what is hidden is what I have to be told..

I know the book is about 

Sacred Sight

and miracles of seeing things clearly..

So I am sure the perfect thing will make itself known to me..

Yes. it will be listed in my gallerie soon..

and yes, I have interest in it already..

Staying focused on what I can control 

and not on what I can't

is how I am continuing to create

and tiny stitches always help..


Sunday, February 23, 2025


I am still painting

gentle readers..

but also working on more books..

this one is titled


or miracle 

and we could all use a little miracle work about now...

I have several more details to work on..

but art takes the time it takes..

this is a mixed media slow stitch book..

now... back to painting...


Friday, February 21, 2025

And again.. Sorry!! Sold!!


my pink stitch book just sold..

she is well stitched and has lots of lace elements..

That have been tea dyed... I love her subtle pinks 
and tiny bits of stitches...

Fiber art has been a love of mine since I was a teen.. 
my family tried to talk me out of it.. but here I am
stitching away...


If you had your eye on a book..

you can pop over to my

Art Books gallerie

I am most grateful for your kind support.. 


Ciao, Ciao!