Friday, October 11, 2024

What's on my Desk?

dear ones..

I am working in the studio each day..
on a variety of projects.. 

I have several pieces 

in process..

on my new series

The Garden Remembers the Gardener

I have two pieces that are finished

but 5-6 pieces that I am still working on..

I just need to get our of the way and let them decide how
they want to be finished..

it's just a matter of letting go.. just like the leaves..

and below...

is a new tiny book of goddesses that I am working on..

I think it will be a charming tiny book..
built in an antique needle book..

The Series is scheduled for a November 1 
debut here and on Social Media..

the work is on boards and Khadi paper..

I started a small painting but I am not pleased and I think I will

gesso over the work..

it's basically my life philosophy

"Gesso over what doesn't work"!

well, dear ones.. 
may we all let go of things we can't control
and let them go,
as leaves upon the ground...