Tuesday, June 5, 2018

May Art Journal Pages

the fifth month always seems to find a way 
of bringing change...

five signifies changes 

and so I have been dealing with

no... not mine or family

but close friends..
and people I care for...

So gentle reader..
and dear friends..

as I went to the studio to journal write my feelings and collage
on top of the writing...

this spread took shape..

and after some resistance,
I just let go..

It seems that each day brings a new email..
and letters carry such emotion...

It is simply the circle of life..
to accept death..
but acknowledging that it is not always easy..
opens the door for healing..

Ingredients: Gelatos, antique ephemera, book pages, wrapping papers, acrylic ink, colored pencil.

At the moment I have a couple of submissions
in the works..
which you will hear about at a much later date..

and I will be 
working in the studio planning our next YT video..

Thank you always for reading, watching and leaving
such great questions and comments..
I feel so blessed by you all..

Ciao, ciao!