Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Step Back in Time..


Ciao dear ones!

Well we are home from our last vacation until September 

and we had a beautiful time with our family..

but it is time to get back to work..

I thought I would explain a bit about me..

for those who do not know.. 

I have been an artist all my life..

I sold my first piece of art at 10 years old.. I entered shows in high school

and won a scholarship to college..

My first published piece of art was in 1968..

in my year book.. a pen and ink drawing..

Later I used pen and ink and watercolor wash.. and chose abstract art as well..

and in the 1990's  I fell in love with colored pencils..

art has always been the focus of my life but it was in 2003 that I decided to make it

my profession..

and I never looked back..

Thank you for stopping by 

and having a listen..
