Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Those tiny Books!

My dear ones..
I have finished the tiny books..

Mixed Media Mini Collage Book

and I thought you would like 
a little traipse through..

Mixed Media Mini Collage Fabric Book

first from my 
Morning Garden book..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

a few pages that I love..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

and the bridal tulle
that obscures 

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

My Little Italia Book

I love the collage cover..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

The plain fabric pages are yummy..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

I am still in love with this 
tiny bit
from an old Antique album..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

Leo's Lily..
representing new beginnings..

I added a tiny slice of script to the bottom
of the cancel..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

The Florentine paper and painted lace scrap
was the opening page of the book..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

and the last page was inspired..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Book

by all the street shrines.. 
that live on every corner in Italy..

My tiny heartfelt tribute
to Italy..

Mixed Media Mini Fabric Books

I am making painted papers
to use as inspiration for my next video..

I might even work on my March Art Journal pages..

or perhaps finish a painting..

but I will simply follow the inspiration
where it leads..
it is much easier that way!
