gentle readers and viewers..
I was sitting last night
beginning my meditation..
listening to the sound of the crickets..
serenade me into bliss..
and I realized how grateful
I am to live in a place that experiences both
the falling of leaves
and the longevity of
butterflies, dragonflies and crickets..
what a wonderful world...
there are so very many things to give thanks for
in my world..
the tiniest things cause my heart to swell..
a solitary mum left on the dying plant..
a small stack of leaves rich in contrast..
and a velvety green pumpkin that makes me want to
reach out and touch ...
the simple things are so often
heart brakingly gorgeous..
I am also grateful for family and friends..
and so I will be taking
a much needed blog/vlog break
to spend the holiday with
since we are traveling..
I wish you all a beautiful
But when I return I will
film a video
share the process for creating my
miniature book..
In my grateful heart..
I count you too..
sweet reader and dear viewers..
I am grateful to you for following along
for all these years..
I never take your kindness for granted ...
and know that there are many out there that have
never signed your name to a comment..
but faithfully
read and follow..
and for that,
I am most