It's a matter of the heart..
gentle reader..
I know I have shared with you
my family...
"A Matter of the Heart, Detail, Caterina Giglio |
have heart issues..
and last month
we were on pins and needles..
waiting to hear..
how my Auntie
was doing after her
heart surgery...
I was on
pins and needles..
literally and metaphorically..
Textile Art, "A Matter of the Heart" July Art Journal page, Caterina Giglio |
so my documentation
was about this family issue..
Congestive Heart Disease
Writing under and over the page, wrapping paper and pen, Art Journal page, Caterina Giglio. |
and in my pages,
I wanted to express
the frayed heart..
Detail from, "A Matter of the Heart" July Art Journal page, Caterina Giglio |
being stitched back together..
Textile art, Caterina Giglio |
They have done so much work on her..
but ..
it also illustrates
Detail from, "A Matter of the Heart" July Art Journal page, Caterina Giglio |
the family heart,
my heart,
waiting to hear..
wondering how it is going..
Ripping the fabric,
washing it..
drying it,
and stitching it up..
ironing it..
stretching it..
pulling out threads..
ironing it..
stretching it..
pulling out threads..
was meditative ..
and soothing..
because art does heal..
Ingredients: acrylic paint, pencil, pen, wrapping papers, book pages, fabric, upholstery threads, lace, safety pins, cheese cloth.
July Art Journal Pages, Caterina Giglio |
even broken hearts..
I will say Ciao for now..
and I will be back here next Tuesday..
thanks always for following..