Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Cardboard Book and What it's Like Being an Artist

What is it like?
to be an artist..
I was asked that once in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

and I shrugged it off,
by laughing..
"How much time do you have?"

I mean where do I start?
there are so many things
that set us apart ...

I thought about that last week as I was 
stitching together 
my cardboard book,

I ordered a single book from Amazon
and it arrived in one of those 
cardboard box dealios..

you know what I mean..

cardboard wrapped around the book..
and when I looked at the remains of the cardboard..
after I enthusiastically ripped it open to free my book...

I thought, 
I could cut the flaps and make a great book
out of it..

and I realized that that is what it is really like to be an artist..

at least, it is my experience, 
but I know I am not alone..

Cardboard book in process, stitching signatures, Caterina Giglio

I see possibility everywhere..
even in
 trash and debris..

I am definitely an up cycler..
recycling is my nature..

Old lost buttons find their way to my

a onesie, scrubbed clean
serving well..

It is so rewarding to 

Cardboard book, with jute closure, Caterina Giglio

something from nothing..

Hand stitched mixed media book, Caterina Giglio

making beautiful pages
from turmeric..

and images from onion skins...

Hand dyed pages, onion skin and avocado, Caterina Giglio  

using up

bits and pieces of string
and upholstery threads...

Onion dyed page in Cardboard book, Caterina Giglio  

and the more things I create,
the more ideas
I seem to have..
it is an endless flow..

one idea gives birth to another..

For me,
being an artist is freedom..
freedom to create whatever I want..
experiment and try new things..

and speak authentically..

Cardboard book, mixed media, Caterina Giglio

off to the studio..
I am working on my journal pages
and Part 4 of my Art Journaling Process
for filming this week..

thank you, gentle readers...
