Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa Fe Shadows

It was so lovely
to visit with dear friends...
family really..
they are THAT dear..
in Santa Fe...

and so nice to be back in the 
City Different..

as you know, I am enamored of 
crumbling splendor
and Santa Fe has it...

If you go, I highly recommend going for the 
Thanksgiving holiday...
the smell of piñon in the air ...
 green chiles and eggs for breakfast..
and the roaring fires are so romantic...

of course there is the light...
the reason that so many artists 
use NM as their muse...

and that brilliant blue sky...

a color that I have never seen anywhere else...
and you know that I am a fan of Caribbean blues...

we did get to the 
Georgia O'Keefe Museum
as you can see from the photos...
and that was really wonderful,

but for the most part
we just enjoyed our friends,
being together 
and hanging out...

it does a heart good
to be in a place that celebrates art
and great food...

The lights on the plaza were wonderful
and although we missed the Farolitos
we did see lanterns and luminarias
everywhere we went...

What a beautiful place to be inspired..
to soak up the festivities...

and to just 
after all...

that is what the 
Holidays are really all about...
