Friday, February 7, 2014

banishing the grey

one of the things
I always looked forward to in the spring
was dyeing Easter eggs...
using natural dyes from the kitchen

onion skins
red cabbage
red wine
blue berries
celantro-spinach leaves
grape juice
chamomile tea..
the list goes on and on...

and since we have had precious little sun..
I decided to take the matter into my own hands..
and created a little sunshine in the studio

I used onion dyed papers for my 
feather book, Ascension which will be featured 
this June in Sew Somerset...

for anyone who has not used 
natural dyes
I urge you to try them..
they are easy and you can find more info on the web...

I boiled the skins.. which I save in the cupboard in a baggie

and wait until the water is
just darkening...

and then I spoon it on
the Khadi paper.. skins and all ...

and let it sit until it dries...

sometimes it is good to take 
a break from sketching...
and studio work...

to just make some beautiful papers...
open to the possibilities...
unattached to the outcome...

and when you surrender
the results...

you might find that you have made your own

have a beautiful weekend...
I will be back on Tuesday with new work..
and a new look to the Dolce Shop...

ciao, ciao!